March 31st is the last date to change your Medicare Advantage Plan!
March 31st is the last date to change your Medicare Advantage Plan!
How can we assist you?
Our intake representative will ask you some questions about yourself, your current situation, what is causing you to need help, what type of help are you looking for, etc. Once that is completed it will be assigned to one of our Case Managers who will call you to set up a home visit.
The Case Manager will come to your home to complete an evaluation of your care needs at home. This assessment covers your abilities to care for yourself, the areas that you have difficulty doing for yourself, your health, nutritional status, etc. This information assists the Case Manager in helping you decide what types of services you qualify for and what type of funding source will best meet your needs.
We offer respite services for caregivers, we offer housekeeping, personal care, medication set up, case management, and more. Check out our frequently asked questions for more information.
The cost of services depends on a variety of factors such as how many service hours you may be requesting. Each situation is unique as to the cost. The Case Manager that will visit with you can explain this to you in detail
Our office contracts with in home care agencies to provide the services or depending on the funding source you may fall under, you can choose your own worker.
Generally upon completion of the assessment, discussion of your needs, the services can be started within 7 to 10 working days.
Created by the Older Americans Act of 1965, Area Agencies on Aging perform a leadership role in the communities they serve by responding to the needs of the elderly as advocates, planners, funders and by providing education, information and referral services. Area Agencies on Aging work with both the public and private sectors to generate needed support to help older adults and their caregivers remain in the most desirable and least restrictive living arrangements.
The Area Agency on Aging both provides and funds services. The services provided include Information and Assistance, Case Management, CARE Assessment, Senior Health Insurance Counseling for Kansans (SHICK), and Program Development/Special Programs. The Area Agency on Aging distributes federal, state, and, in some cases, local funds, which are primarily used as match dollars for the state and federal funds. We have a carefully designed contract selection process which is monitored by the Kansas Department of Aging, and we only contract with licensed home health agencies. All providers must meet the service specifications, designed to insure quality. The Area Agency on Aging contracts with multiple providers to allow for cost effectiveness, client needs, geographic and other considerations. We monitor providers through site visits, audits, reports, client satisfaction and other surveys.
The federal funding from the Older Americans Act has not kept up with inflation, much less with the increases in people needing services. This program, which was the only major funding source during the late 60s and through the 70s, is now about forty percent of the funds allocated by Area Agencies on Aging. Our two other funding sources are the state funded Senior Care Act, which utilizes a sliding fee scale after determining monthly income and liquid assets, and the Medicaid Frail Elderly Waiver for Home and Community Based Services (HCBS). This is a federally funded, state fund matched program.
We are only located in the United States. Our main office is in Ottawa, Kansas.
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